Since 1978 Plastic Moulding Machine buys and sells plastics machinery. We started with mainly injection molders. Now we supply plastics machines covering the whole range of disciplines producing in the plastics industry.
In stock
On average Plastic Moulding Machine has 800 machines in stock. We travel across the globe to purchase them. Yearly we buy around 500 which are all transported to our warehouse.
The machines can be bought in 3 different options. You can buy the machine as it is. This means that it will not be tested or repaired by us. This option we recommend only to companies who know exactly what they are doing. The second option is Tested and delivered in full working order. Machinery will be connected up in the workshop, fully checked for broken and none working parts, repaired where necessary and tested before delivery. The third and most secure option is delivery of plastics equipment fully overhauled. This is also covered by a 6 months warrantee on the supplied machine.