Reference Numbers: UM - 16477
Location: India
Product Details:
Type: ED.DX EL: 380/3/50 Complete baby-diaper line for 2 sizes (maxi and maxi plus). Mechanical speed 500 ppm-working speed 380 ppm, consisting of: Type M.ED - hammermill, type CFS.DX drum former, Type ED.DX main frame, type TF2 three-folding unit, type HDS.DX stacker, Type HSC packing unit, R.T.ED rotary table, Osprey rotary filter, Siemens PLC, Omron inverters, ITW Dynatec hot-melt units. 4 pulp unwind stands, hammermill, upper and lower pad formation, SAP application, tissue unwinder, compression, Nonwoven ADL unwinder and application, Leg elastic unwinding and application, Polyethylene (back sheet) unwinding and application, compression, Lateral tape tab unwinding and application, Nonwoven top sheet unwinding and application, Frontal tape unwinding and application, leg shaping, Central tape tab unwinding and application, Standing elastic leg-cuff unwinding and application, longitudinal folding, Nonwoven cuff unwinding, final cutter, three-folder, API stacker and packing.